1. Manage Expectations
You may be thinking that your cat will immediately reveal its sweet side and charm your guests. And your guests may be excited to pet your fluffy pet and get some loving and attention from your favorite feline. More often than not, however, cats tend to be timid and scared around strangers. Do not expect your cat to be its usual sweet self and let your guests know that she may not want to be held or petted. You may even tell them that your cat can scratch or bite if they are too insistent. That's our strategy when we have people over. None of our cats are aggressive - they don't bite or scratch us. However, we often tell visitors that the cats may scratch them, just to reduce the unwanted attention our pets will get.
2. Provide a Safe Space
Make sure that your cat is able to leave the party easily if she wants too. You can leave food, treats and water in your bedroom, so kitty kins can nap on your bed and snack in peace. One of our cats always goes in the garage whenever we have company, so we always leave some snacks for her there. The other one immediately retrieves in the bedroom, which is a guest-free zone.
3. Keep The Routine
Cats are creatures of habit, so it's important to keep their routine to reduce stress and anxiety. If feeding time is 7pm, make sure your cat gets her food on time. Forgetting or delaying meal time will only make your cat more agitated and less friendly.
4. Be Vigilant
As a pet owner you know your cat best - you can read her mood and tell when she's having fun or getting cranky. Other people may not be as good at taking the hint. This is especially true for people who don't own pets and children. Keep in mind that they may not be able to tell when your cat wants to be left alone. Intervene when necessary and let them know that your cat may misbehave if they don't give her some space.
5. Provide Comfort
After the guests are gone, it's always a good idea to spend some quality time with your cat. Whether that means cuddles, treats or play, it's important to show her that things are back to normal and she has regained her territory. Dedicating some time to your cat helps her calm down and reduces the chance of unwanted behavior, such as peeing outside the litter box or destroying your furniture as payback for the invaders.